Saturday, March 30, 2013

Stars are Born, Live, and Die ....

Do you know that the stars, like living things in the earth, are born, live out their lives, and then die. It was only fairly recently in the history of the human race –the nineteenth century, to be exact- that people realized that stars could not last forever. Stars are continually pouring energy into space, and that energy has to come from somewhere.


Nowadays, we know that the sun, like most stars, burns hydrogen to produce that energy. But even for a huge body like the sun, the supply is not endless. The sun, like a campfire at the end of an evening, will someday stop burning and then die.


There were some interesting attempts to explain the energy output of the sun. In the nineteenth century, scientists showed that if it were made of pure anthracite coal (the best fuel known at that time) it could last for 10,000 years at its present rate of energy output. So, now you know the fact that the stars are like other living things that can be born, live, and die.


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